summer komikon '09: the hourly comics

so i tried doing the hourly comics thing at komikon... i cheated on the first couple of cartoons because i only got the idea at eight forty that morning.

click on the image to embiggen if you can't read 'em. and also please excuse the poor scanning. if it helps, the originals didn't look much better :P

the girl next to me was with i-north comics--they had like a hundred titles for sale and hogged all the table space. not that i hold it against them or anything.

for the record, nakahanap ako ng tabo.

it was not destined to be mine.

here's the sketch i made of the little girl:

what's wrong with it?! i made her look like a hayao miyazaki heroine fer cryin' out loud! yeesh.

the guy was chapel from silent sanctum manga. he's a marketing geeeniuss!

i finally got to walk around and buy stuff when cherry watched my table for me. she even continued the hourly comics! guess i should've told her abstract art doesn't count, though. he he

(edit: cherry says that's a view of her head and shoulders from behind... tinubuan na raw sya sa kakahintay sa aken.)

we left around six pm.

more random sketches next post.


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