star wars paintings by ralph mcquarrie.

lots more here.


  1. They're all very good. Too bad there's no Darth Maul...

  2. Ralph McQuarrie. Is. The. Man.

    Star Wars would not be what it is / was if it were not for him.

    @Miko: i don't think he did any conceptual art for the last 3 SW movies. kaya walang Darth Maul...sayang.

  3. yeah, there's something about the painterliness of these images--and the stop-motion/miniature model effects of the original trilogy-- that today's slick cgi just can't touch.

  4. @dj - yeah, I figured as much. I appreciate the original trilogy even more because of these masterpieces.

    Although I don't want to sound blasphemous but I'm more of a Darth Maul fan than a Star Wars fan :p


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