school run, pages 1 - 3

number of finshed pages: 5
number of days till summerkon: 6
blood pressure: rising


  1. Macoy always has the weirdest concepts! Hahah!... and I mean that as a compliment :)

  2. 'Love the zombies, super-detailed! No wonder your cuttong it close the deadline...

    Can't wait for next Saturday :D

  3. @markus: compliment taken!

    @dj: salamat!

    @miko: i hope this comic cures me of my procrastination habit. i'm learning to hate working in a rush.

  4. @Macoy - if your work looks this good when procrastinating, I wonder how good they'll be when your in the zone...

    Married with kids and a day job? I believe you working in rush is understandable. I'm just glad your very good at this "weirdest concept" thingie :D

  5. "I wonder how good they'll be when your in the zone..."

    not much better, i assure you :p


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