jose rizal, party animal


seated from left to right: Jose Rizal, Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo, Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, and Juan Luna. The man behind Luna is possibly their waiter.


Pardo de Tavera is on the floor unconscious, the waiter has joined the group, and Rizal is about to hurl an apple on the hapless Trinidad.

taken from ambeth ocampo's facebook page, which i heartily recommend. in it he says that these pictures will likely never be published, because the men do not appear "heroic" enough.

i would argue quite the opposite.

on a side note, these images also further demonstrate the power of the internet. even if you're a national hero and dead a hundred years, your drunken photos will still get posted on facebook.


  1. I've always loved reading Ambeth Ocampo's books regarding our heroes (i.e., Rizal Without the Overcoat, etc.). He has a way of humanizing our heroes without dimishing their accomplishments; somehow, I find it easier to emphatize with them and appreciate their sacrifices even more knowing that they are men/women of flesh and blood with big hearts and not just statues/monuments of marble or stone.

    That being said, Rizal is really one badd @$$ mother... No wonder he edged out Bonigacio as our national hero :p

    Oh, and I agree on your take about the internet. Now I'm off to delete those damn pics from my Friendster account...

  2. so true. all courses on rizal should start with these two photos.

  3. it's still my man, bonifacio, for me! he is hotness :P

    the moment "photos" of him surface, let me know agad, kmcoy?

    - lucy


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