moleskine contest at

the moleskine notebook i won arrived today via overnight delivery--thoughtfully wrapped in several layers of heavy magazine paper:

it's a reporter-style plain notebook, with the binding along one short side. but if i lay it down "landscape" instead of "portrait", it looks just like my traditional sketchbook, only smaller. and about twenty times more expensive.

speaking of class, this little note on the front page gave me a laugh:

moleskine's target market is apparently so rich it offers cash rewards for the return of misplaced notebooks.
in dollars.

the notebook came with a manual. really.

moleskine--it's the YC bikini brief of notebooks.

jokes aside though, thanks to mr. jasper ong of and djong of down a notch. i'd also like to express my gratitude to the "atmoshperic noise" at for spewing out my name after being fed the list of finalists. if you'd like to try your luck, there are two more moleskine contests lined up this month.

and on a final note: due to my reluctance to actually write on the sumptuous, empty pages, first dibs on my notebook was awarded to the established artist of the family:


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