we shot an ad

 for school run the graphic novel. here's ardie and me in all our gory glory: 

and here's the production team at studio a and ideascape MNL (and family), including the great nelz yumul, after wrap:

note how i'm trying to put on a brave face after all that green makeup wouldn't quite wash off. 

 let's just say there was some explaining (and a lot of scrubbing) involved when i got home.

*a further note on the makeup: i knew things were going well when sir prince was doing his job putting the stuff on me, and at first the comments were all jovial and laughing, but as the work progressed they went from, "haha cute," to "oh..." to "dude that's disgusting." but it was worth it, certainly a hell of an experience. i'd do it again in a heartbeat.


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