"school run" and "ang maskot," stalked bibliophilically!

editor, writer, blogger, and world fantasy award nominee charles tan recently had some nice things to say about my comics:

"Snappy and upbeat, Ang Maskot captures an element of the Filipino zeitgeist and weaves an adult narrative around it without falling into the temptation of cynicism. While it doesn't have as much depth asSchool Run (and appropriately so since this is a self-contained story), it highlights many of the strengths of Macoy's comics.

There's a lot to love about Macoy's School Run. The art alone is an interesting juxtaposition between the bleak setting and iconic characters. But don't let the simplicity fool you: over the course of each issue, Macoy packs depth into his characters, at the same time imagining a setting that organically resonates with Philippine pop culture, such as the parallelism between the zombie outbreak and typhoons ("Signal #1 Laaang? Sayang!"). Or something as simple as naming a cat as Catniss."


thank you very much, charles!


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