just gotten started on "ender's game"

and wow. it is what the harry potter series wishes it could be. peter just talking about killing his siblings in the early chapters was far more brutal and disturbing than any of the actual deaths in the hunger games. if i had read this book when i was twelve years old i think it would have become a central text of my tweens.

ender is a fascinating character with a terrible burden. people say that about harry, katniss, and bella too, but to me ender carries his heavy destiny in a much more convincing and less contrived way. he does things, he drives the plot, as opposed to having things done to him, or having the plot carry him along, as is the case with the above YA triumvirate. he is also so much younger and more truly alone. i really, really hope the upcoming movie adaptation turns this into the next YA megabestseller.

the book also got me thinking about orson scott card and the recent petition trying to get him dropped from a superman writing gig at DC comics for his anti-gay beliefs. it was actually this controversy that made me pick out "ender's game" from my to-listen list.

when gay rights activists try to deny a homophobe a means of livelihood based on the latter's beliefs, how is that different from any other form of workplace discrimination? protests, a boycott i could understand. or maybe if the job had anything to do with the contested issue, like if card was in charge of issuing same-sex marriage licenses.


  1. gah! Ender's Game... read half of the first book a long time ago. di ko na natapos. maka-DL na nga din ng audio book...

  2. get the one read by stefan rudnicki et al. he's my favorite reader. plus it's got a nice afterword by card himself where he talks about the original novella and the upcoming film.


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