gio paredes' kalayaan set to invade the USA

gio paredes recently blogged about finishing talks with a US-based publisher for overseas distibution of his superhero title kalayaan. it's great news for indie komiks in general, but also especially heartening for creators like me, because gio's deal with the publisher allows him to keep all rights to his work, and he gets paid royalties.

paredes's success is also a great example for aspiring komiks creators. gio may have his weaknesses as a draftsman (a fact he talks about openly in a recent interview for uno magazine), but his passion and discipline more than make up for it. not only did he single-handedly write and illustrate all nine issues of his comic, but he also finds the time and energy to market and deliver copies to the eight different stores that carry it. he's a tireless worker. in naruto terms, a "genius of hard work".


  1. Thanks Macoy for posting this. US-based sila pero all Filipino ang may ari. I wish I could talk more about them. But once the deal is sealed, I will post a detailed information about them.

  2. Congrats, Gio! I hope this paves the way for other indie creators like Macoy to expand your audience.

    More royalties = Happy creators/artists = More quality komiks = Happy readers


  3. very nice! congrats Mr. Gio Paredes!

  4. @gio, aabangan ko yan!

    @miko, i couldn't agree more. especially about the "more royalties" part.


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