project rooftop honorable mention!
several months ago i joined project rooftop's wolverine costume redesign contest, and sent in this clean-shaven, understated, "comfy" rendition of the berserker x-man: well, the judges liked it enough to give it an honorable mention on the project rooftop blog! THANK YOU PROJECT ROOFTOP! in their own (edited) words: Dean: 7. Ditch the glasses and add some more stubble, and I’m sold. Chris: 6. A very professorial Logan here — one still seemingly able for battle, but a more studied and measured approach to Wolverine. Vito: 5. Those glasses are very left field and out of character. Joel: 5. What’s strapped to his thigh? A gun? What does he keep in those little Liefeld-sized pouches that are strapped over his jacket? Could we lose those? Ron: 4–looks like it’d be John Lennon’s interpretation of a Halloween Wolvie costume. mmm, liefeld pouches... they're onto me. :P check out the rest of the cum laudes here , the winners are here , and my own personal picks are below (clic...